By Wade Robins Platinum Quality Author
Statistics have shown that risk of dental implant failure is about five percent for lower jaw implants and ten percent for upper jaw implants. But one of the most confusing aspects of dental implant failure is that in one person having multiple implants, perhaps all but one of the implants will be successful. There has been no way, to this point, to determine what causes selective dental implant failure.
Some dental surgeons have suggested that this kind of dental implant failure is the result of bacteria present in the jawbone before an implant is inserted; when the implant is screwed into the bone, it unleashes the bacteria and turns them loose in the tissue surrounding the implant. As long as the other implants are placed in bacteria free bone, they will heal cleanly and quickly, but the germ-infested implant will eventually become inflamed, never healing correctly, and the implant will eventually fail.
Dental Implant Rejection
Dental implant failure is not the same as dental implant rejection. Dental implants are made of titanium, a metal which, because of its “inert” nature, has been used for nearly forty years in hip replacements. Titanium causes no adverse reactions in human tissue, and when it is commercially pure, no allergic reactions.
A dental implant, however, can become contaminated at the factory where they are made, even though all dental implant manufacturers must comply with strict FDA quality standards. Or it could get contaminated in the dentist’s office during the implantation procedure, although all dental surgeons and periodontists are also expected to follow the highest sanitation practices.
Whatever the underlying cause of a dental implant failure, the failure is most likely to surface shortly after the implant procedure. Anyone experiencing excessive discomfort or bleeding after an implant procedure should contact their dental surgeon immediately.
Additional Caused For Dental Implant Failure
But dental implant failure can also be the result of the patient’s neglect of aftercare. The dental surgeon will provide a clear set of instructions on caring for the new implant, and it is essential that the instructions be followed. If, in spite of maintaining the implant properly, the patient still develops swelling or tenderness around the implant, it could be a sign of infections and the dentist should be consulted as soon as possible.
A dental implant failure can also occur if the implant has been improperly situated. A poorly placed implant will be disturbed by the mouth’s biting motion; and people who know they grind their teeth in their sleep should ask their dentists if they are good candidates for dental implants. In most cases the dentist will simply supply you with a mouth keep your teeth grinding at a minimum.
And if, in spite of your best efforts, you experience dental implant failure, you can simply have the implant replaced when the cause of the failure has been determined and eliminated.
You can also find more info on Dental Implant and Dental Implant Bone. is a comprehensive resource to know about Dental Implant.
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Friday, September 28, 2007
Causes of Dental Implant Failure
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2:50 AM
The Best Herbal Remedies For Halitosis
By Vanessa A. Doctor Platinum Quality Author
Halitosis, or “bad breath” as it is more commonly known, is one of the downside of having a diet that is based on eating meat and dairy products, especially since these types of foods can create a stench that is rooted from the excreta or matter that has been putrefying in the colon, causing a person to have a very unpleasant odor manifest from his alimentary canal. This can become an embarrassing condition to have, especially if you interact with people almost everyday, causing some very awkward moments. Having bad breath can be very unpleasant at times, fortunately, this type of condition can be remedied through different treatments, one of which involves the use of herbal remedies.
Unknown to a lot of people, there are actually a lot of different herbal remedies that can help fight bad breath or halitosis, some of which have been passed down from one culture to another through folklore, or even through new discoveries today. These different herbal remedies can offer people who suffer from halitosis either a natural short term breath freshener or long term treatment for the condition. Either way, it can greatly improve the quality of odor that is coming out of your mouth.
Halitosis Herbal Remedies
One of the more popular types of herbal remedies for halitosis is the chlorophyll treatment, which actually serves as a natural breath freshener. Most of coniferous green vegetables contain chlorophyll, which means that most green vegetables or plants that you can eat can actually help prevent bad breath. This means that you may have to change your diet by including a lot of green vegetables into the mix if you want to avoid having a skunk breath. Parsley is one of the best ways to help freshen your breath, and it does so in little time only. The excretion that can be taken from this plant is also considered to be more potent as compared to just eating the plant.
Another plant that basically offers the same relief from bad breath is cilantro, which can also be juiced to get a more potent dose of breath freshener. Mint, which pretty much helps freshen your breath as well, leaves a minty fresh taste in your mouth after it leaves it smelling fresh. Again, this type of herbal remedy can be eaten, but its most potent effects can be achieved when it is juiced, giving you a minty fresh breath after you have consumed it, giving you an effective relief from halitosis. Other green vegetables that help you achieve this effect include spinach, alfalfa, wheat and barley grass.
Other herbs are used to clean the colon, which can help eradicate your bad breath, especially since the bad breath can emanate from the foods, such as meat and dairy products, that you have consumed which are being digested in your colon. Herbs such as aloe vera resin, senna leaves, cascara sagrada, trifala, rhubarb, and many others can help fight bad breath by evacuating the bowels, thereby cleansing the colon.
Aromatic herbal teas such as cinnamon, peppermint, ginger and cardamom can also help prevent halitosis since they can help in the entire digestion process, making it easier to digest food in the colon instead of just letting undigested food sit and rot there.
Prime Herbal -
Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company
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2:49 AM
Causes and Cures for Bad Breath
By David Everett Platinum Quality Author
Bad breath is a very common problem that is shared by millions of people across the country and there are many different causes. It is usually caused by the breakdown of proteins by bacteria somewhere in the mouth. Bad breath (also known as Halitosis) is a major problem which often goes unnoticed by the person who has it, and the problem can get worse because the people around you usually are too polite to tell you that you have that problem.
The Many Causes Of Bad Breath
There are just as many causes of bad breath as there are sources of bacteria in the mouth. Although the causes of breath odor are not entirely understood, most unpleasant odors are known to arise from proteins trapped in the mouth which are processed by oral bacteria.
Pay Attention To Your Oral Hygiene
In some people, bad breath is associated with gum disease, especially if rubbing the areas between the teeth and gums yields a foul odour. In people with healthy teeth and gums, the odour usually comes from the far back region of the tongue, and grows stronger when the patient starts talking. Cleaning of the spaces between the teeth is of great importance and you should always floss or otherwise clean between your teeth, as recommended by your dentist. Have your teeth cleaned periodically by a dental professional. Oral hygiene helps to prevent the build-up of the bacteria that forms on your teeth, tongue and gums that causes bad breath.
Mouthwash Can Help, but...
Mouthwashes and tongue brushing may help temporarily, and breath fresheners and mints can have a short-lived masking effect, but mouthwashes are generally cosmetic and do not have a long-lasting effect on bad breath. Mouthwashes and sprays use alcohol to scour the mouth and prevent the odiferous molecules from sticking to the oral tissues. This isn't a bad idea, but it's only a temporary fix. Mouthwashes alone will not solve the problem.
Light At The End Of The Tunnel
However, in recent years it has become increasingly evident that bad breath is usually treatable once a proper diagnosis is made. Often identifying the cause of bad breath is the first step toward treating this preventable condition. The only way to find a good, effective treatment for bad breath is to find the specific cause. True bad breath is caused by something more than mouth bacteria. You should always consult your doctor and dentist to discover the true cause of your bad breath.
To discover more concerning the causes and cures for bad breath check out our blog at
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2:48 AM
Home Remedies for Toothache - Top 9 Users Recommended Home Remedies
By Dr James Sameul
Read this article to know the top user recommended Home Remedies for Toothache. First of all we will discuss what is Toothache and what are the possible causes of Toothache?
Toothache generally means pain around the teeth or jaws. The severity of a toothache can vary from chronic and gentle to sharp and unbearable. The pain may be aggravated by chewing or by cold or heat.
The toothache gets worse over time if left untreated as the inner pulp can become infected. The second most common cause of toothache is gum disease. Toothache or tooth pain is caused when the nerve root of the tooth is irritated.
In the majority of cases, toothaches are caused by tooth or jaw problems like dental cavities, cracked tooth, an exposed tooth root, gum disease, disease of the jaw joint (temporo-mandibular joint), or spasm of the muscles used for chewing
The most common cause of a toothache is a dental cavity also known as tooth decay or tooth caries. Dental decay is when bacteria in your mouth break down the tooth enamel. Holes (cavities) in the tooth build up, exposing the nerves underneath.
If left untreated, the pulp inside your tooth will die and become infected. This will lead to an abscess forming, causing a harsh and continuous throbbing pain. Eating or drinking something that is very hot or cold may also give you toothache because it touches the nerves in the pulp.
Home Remedies for Toothaches:
1) Asafetida is ground into a paste in lemon juice. This is then slightly warmed. A cotton pad is dabbed in the solution and applied on the tooth cavity. This is a very quick method to relieve the ache and is also good Home Remedy for Toothache.
2) A very simple Home Remedy for toothache is to mix some pepper powder with common salt and rub this mixture onto the teeth. Doing this daily will also prevent any toothache troubles as well as dental cavities.
3) Mix a pinch of pepper in clove oil. Put this oil straightly into the cavity to stop toothache.
4) Garlic is one of the most effective Home Remedies for Toothache is garlic. A clove of garlic with a little rock salt should be placed on the affected tooth. It will relieve the pain and, sometimes, may even cure it. A clove should also be chewed daily in the morning.
5) Drops of vanilla extract on the affected tooth are an effective remedy.
6) A paste of the bark of bay berry should be made with vinegar. This paste, applied on the affected tooth, will reduce the toothache. It can also be applied beneficially on the gums for strengthening them. This is one of the effective Home Remedy for Toothache.
7) Toothache pain is often relieved by placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum, since onion has antibacterial properties that kill the germs in the mouth.
8) One of the best known Home Remedies for Toothache relief is the good old clove. Clove reduces the pain as it has antiseptic properties and clove oil, applied on the painful tooth, can ease toothache pain fairly quickly. If you don’t have clove oil grind a clove and apply the powder on the affected area. The tooth cannot be cured, but the clove will give you relief from pain.
9) Melt 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and use this mixture as a mouth wash.
Dr James Sameul is an Ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Toothache at He has an exclusive website on Home Remedies for various diseases. You can also contribute to the Home remedies by visiting the website.
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2:47 AM
Home Remedy for Bad Breath – 7 Tips to Get Rid of Bad Breath Naturally
By Jason Sandlin
Bad breath can be really embarrassing and can cause a lot of problems with your social life. Often times bad breath can cause a lot of mental anguish and cause you not to want to go out and have fun. If you continuously chew gun, rinse your mouth out, or try not to look at people when to talk to them, you know what I am talking about. It is my pleasure to let you know that there is a Home Remedy for Bad Breath, and you can cure this awful condition. Don’t get nervous ever time you talk to someone, or see someone coming your way. Bad breath can be a constant worry, and can cause you a lot of stress.
I am on a mission to help you fight bad breath, and I have prepared 7 tips to help you overcome bad breath naturally.
1. One Home Remedy for Bad Breath is avocado. Avocado is known to drastically reduce intestinal putrefaction which is one of the leading causes of bad breath. Avocado can be found in most grocery stores in the fruit section. Try eating more of this fruit and you will see that your bad breath condition will start improving.
2. When brushing your teeth, make sure that you are brushing long enough. Every area of the mouth should be brushed along with every inch of every tooth. Use a soft bristled brush and use back and forth motions on each area of the teeth. You also want to make sure that you brush your tongue good. This is often overlooked by many people, and is one of the main causes of bad breath. The tongue has a lot of bacteria on it that needs to be cleaned. A good tongue scraper can also do really good.
3. When flossing, make sure you use around 15 inches of floss each time, and make sure that it is floss with fluoride. Do not miss any teeth when flossing, and make sure you get every area of every tooth.
4. Another thing that is linked with bad breath is having a dry mouth. Make sure that you drink around 8-12 glasses of water each day to keep hydrated. You also want to make sure that you eat lots of fruits. Fruits have a ton of water, vitamins, and minerals that can help with bad breath.
5. Another thing that you can do to reduce the amount of bad breath that you have is to cut down or eliminate the amount of dairy product that you take in. Dairy can make your bad breath worse because it can make your stomach create really foul odors.
6. You can also reduce the amount of protein that you take in. Proteins and meat are known to cause bad breath. When you cut out some of this stuff that I have mentioned, you are on your way to getting rid of bad breath.
7. One thing that has been found to reduce the amount of bad breath is sugarless yogurt. Recent studies show that sugarless yogurt reduces the compounds found in bad breath. So, sugarless yogurt is a known home remedy for bad breath.
If you take these tips seriously you are well on your way to Getting Rid of Bad Breath Forever. Just know that these tips are only tips and will not guarantee you to get rid of your bad breath. There are Home Remedies for Bad Breath, and these are great tips to get you started.
Did you know that there is a Home Remedy for Bad Breath that is guaranteed to work? Find out how and you will never have to worry about bad breath again.
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2:46 AM
Cure Toothache - 3 Ways To Cure Toothache Fast
By Joseph Cates
Before asking - Why do I have a toothache? ask yourself - 'Do I have a sweet tooth?' What I mean is that if you eat a lot of sugar in the form of candies, soft drinks, chocolates, etc., it is only natural that you are suffering from toothache. Sugar is not good for our teeth because as soon as sugar enters our teeth the bacteria present in our mouth breaks down the sugar, which then combines with the calcium present in the enamel. This is when we suffer from toothache. In this article I will tell you about some natural ways to alleviate and cure toothache.
If you want to cure toothache permanently, you will need to visit a dentist or consult with an expert. Nevertheless, there are certain things you can do to minimize the pain.
1. Heard of clove buds? They are mainly available at small stores. Clove buds come with a vial that has an in-built dropper. Buy clove buds as well as some cotton swabs. Put a few drops of clove bud on a cotton swab. Then gently apply the swab to the painful area. Make sure you know from where the pain is actually coming. Too many times it happens that we have pain in one part of the tooth and we end up treating another part of the tooth that had no connection with the pain in the first place! Clove buds may cause burning sensations but the burning will last only for a couple of minutes and moreover, it is better than the tooth ache!
There is a product called First Aid which has clove bud in it. Once you apply it to the affected area, chances are that you won't have toothache for a whole day. Make sure you clean the affected area properly before applying this product.
2. Listerine is also a good remedy for toothaches. You can take one sip of Listerine and hold it in the affected area for a couple of minutes. You will experience burning sensations however it is only temporary. Don't apply Listerine just once and sit idle. You should apply Listerine every thirty minutes to an hour.
3. There are some other methods that you can use the alleviate toothache. For example, cinnamon is a powerful remedy for toothache, although it doesn't work for everybody. Another way to cure toothache is to mix baking soda with hot water and wash your mouth with it. Salty water also helps. In fact, I would suggest that you first wash your mouth with soda water and then with salty water. This will be extremely beneficial for your gums. Again, if your toothache persists, you should consult with an expert. There are also many inexpensive guides available online that can teach you how to cure toothache.
Discover 5 Home Remedies To Cure Toothache Fast For more information on how to cure toothache, visit us at:
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2:45 AM
Cure Toothache - 5 Ways To Cure Toothache Fast
By Joseph Cates
Toothaches can be very annoying but if you follow the tips I give you in this article, you will see how easy it is to cure toothache fast.
First of all, you need to learn a little about toothache and why it occurs. There are actually two types of toothaches. The first type of toothache is one which is caused when the tooth gets in touch with extreme temperatures such as heat or cold. You may have noticed that when you eat cold, hard ice creams you feel a certain ache in your tooth. This pain is caused because our tooth enamel is sensitive to extreme temperatures. Obviously the best way to avoid such toothaches is to avoid eating foods which are either too hot or too cold.
There is another kind of toothache which is caused by an infection in the tooth or gums. This type of toothache can be very painful and involves swelling of gums. It is not however easy to get rid of this type of toothache, usually because it is hard to know where the pain is coming from. You may think that your front tooth is what is causing you pain, but the real culprit maybe a back tooth.
There are a couple of natural ways to cure toothache. For example, try to breath through your nose and expel air from your mouth. Doing so will help you avoid congestion in the nostrils caused by cold.
Sometimes toothache can be caused by nausea, fear, anxiety, etc. Such cases of toothache can be best cured by treating the original disease itself. Note that sometimes, along with toothache, you may also feel pain in your neck.
A simple way to cure toothache caused by nausea is to use a simple acupressure technique that I have mastered over the years and used successfully on many occasions. Hold the tip of your index finger firmly to the tip of your thumb to make a circle like 'O'. Then look at a distant object, such as your office, or garden. Once you do this your nausea will be gone and so will your toothache.
Apart from the above causes, there can be many other causes behind toothaches. For example, your posture can cause toothache. How you sit and stand has an effect on your teeth. So, to avoid toothache, it is best you never lie down even if you feel tempted to do so. Always either sit down or stand. Lying down increases blood pressure and it may aggravate your toothache more than anything else.
While these remedies may help you in curing toothache, I would suggest that you take conventional painkillers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil), provided that these medicines won't have any side effects on you. Best thing is to check with your doctor and he will prescribe you suitable painkillers.
Discover 5 Home Remedies To Cure Toothache Fast For more information on how to cure toothache, visit us at:
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2:44 AM
Health Dental Discount Plans - You Now Have No More Excuses Not To See The Dentist
By Joe Stewart Platinum Quality Author
Have you been putting off that inevitable trip to the dentist? Hey, don't go beating yourself up about it because it happens to a lot of folks. If you got up this morning, brushed your teeth and thought to yourself, like so many other people, that you really need to get to the dentist, you may want to consider the benefits that having a good dental plan can offer to you.
The biggest issue that you need to look at is getting caught up to date. That means getting an in depth check-up done, getting x-rays taken care of and finding out exactly how healthy your teeth and gums are right now.
Once you've done this, your next step is to get any issues taken care of that have come up since your last visit. This means getting a tooth filled, getting a crown put on, getting your teeth cleaned, etc.
Once you've gotten yourself back on track all you need to do is see your dentist every six months for a routine check-up and cleaning. This will help you to stay on top of any major issues that could arise in the future so you can nip them in the bud before they get out of hand.
The only problem with doing all of this is going to be the expense involved. You see, dental insurance does not pay for any condition that you may have had at the time that you purchased your policy. These conditions are considered to be pre-existing and you must wait a full year before the insurance would begin to pay for any part of getting your teeth fixed, other than routine care such as cleanings, etc.
Your best option for getting your teeth repaired, cleaned and up to par right away, without any restrictions, is to get what's called a discount dental plan. Discount dental plans aren't insurance so you don't have to worry about the insurance rules and policies.
You simply find a participating dentist close to you, join the low cost dental plan, make an appointment and pay for your discounted fee at the time of your visit. You'll receive discounts from 10% all the way up to 60% immediately, without any claim forms, co-pays or hassles.
If you've been thinking about getting your teeth looked at for awhile now, you no longer have any excuse for putting it off. Discount dental plans are a very affordable dental care option. So get off your duff and join a plan right now!
Save An Additional 10% On A Discount Dental Plan Right Now! Over 30 Plans To Choose From. Hurry Up And Visit Right Away Or Click On Health Dental Discount Plans . Joe Stewart is a former Life And Health Insurance Agent that now works for himself by providing solid, expert information to consumers.
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2:43 AM
Beat The High Cost Of Dentures By Doing This
By Joe Stewart Platinum Quality Author
Do you need new dentures, but simply can't afford to buy new ones? Don't feel alone because there are many others in the same position as you are. However, there is one way to beat the high cost of dentures that many people haven't ever heard about. It's called a discount dental plan.
Discount dental do not provide actual "coverage", such as dental insurance does. The way these plans work is by simply providing you with a big discount at the time of your visit, which will make your new dentures more affordable. Let me give you an example of how a discount dental plan will save you money.
For this example we'll use zip code 73110, which is the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma area. Please keep in mind that these figures could be more or less where you live. The average cost of an upper denture alone in the USA is over $1200.00 ($1,252.00 to be exact). The cost of your new upper denture by using the plan in this example is only $694.00. That's a savings of a whopping $558.00!
The annual cost of being a member of this discount plan is just $99.95 for an individual or if you have a family, $149.95 per year. Let's say that you have a family. Deduct $149.95 from the $558.00 you saved on your upper denture and your total savings so far is still $408.05 and you still have the entire year to go! You and your family will continue to save money (as much as 60% off) on dental care that you may not have been able to afford or would have had to pay full price for without the plan.
The biggest advantage that a discount dental plan has over dental insurance is that insurance does not pay for pre-existing conditions. This means that if you need dentures right now and haven't bought a policy, they won't pay one red cent. If your wife is in pain, your son has an accident and has a broken tooth or your daughter needs braces, if you don't already have the insurance you'll have to pay full price.
Your best bet is to get more information about discount dental plans right away and then you can get your new dentures within 1-3 days!
Save 10% More Off Of The Cost Of A Discount Dental Plan Right Now By Visiting or by clicking on Low Cost Dentures. Joe Stewart is a former Life And Health Insurance Agent that now works for himself by providing solid, expert information to consumers.
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2:43 AM
Is Gum Disease Causing Your Heartburn And Allergies?
By Richard Geller
A few nights ago I was eating foods that don't agree with me.
For me, that means the usual suspects such as coffee. And also tomatoes and peppers which are in the nightshade family and contain high amounts of lectins that cause problems for people like me and maybe for you.
I woke at 2:30 in the morning with the warning signs of heartburn. I started doing reduced breathing exercises, drank a glass of water, and went back to sleep. No heartburn. Everything was fine now.
I have proven time and again, using my own body, the heartburn and GERD are caused by ultra low carbon dioxide levels in the body. There are numerous studies that I will get into in future articles that bear this out. Meantime if you have my book or have learned Buteyko exercises already can verify this for yourself.
When I started my reduced breathing regimen, I cured lifelong asthma and my heartburn went away. I stopped taking medication except for an inhaled nasal corticosteroid spray.
But I have not made much progress in my breathing over the past year.
And there are three suspects here. If you have made decent progress but hit a brick wall, if you still have symptoms of one kind or another, then you will want to read on. Because you need to check out possibilities that you have infection in your teeth, your gut, or your tonsils. I will explore by far the most common infections that affect your overall health in this article, those in your gums.
You probably have a gum infection that is affecting your health
Most of us have gum infections to one degree or another. Your gums may look a bit puffy. Or you may have some bleeding when yu brush your teeth. Or you may have none of these symptoms.
If you go to the dentist regularly, over the years your periodontal pockets may be growing in depth. Or you may be experiencing bone loss that shows up on x-rays over the years.
This is all caused by gum disease. And...
Gum disease causes overall health problems
Gum disease is caused by anerobic bacteria that live in the gum pockets and create toxins. The bacteria toxins migrate into the body, and the bacteria themselves can enter the body through the gums.
The body must mount an ongoing defense against this invasion of bacteria and toxins.
It is well-known that people with heart disease often have serious gum infections and that the toxins and bacteria sometimes migrate to the heart. This is just the start of what gum disease does to us.
For these reasons, it is essential to your health that you get rid of gum infection. I prefer non-surgical, non-invasive methods. And fortunately I have tested one and can recommend it.
Using the Albrite system to combat gum disease
I have been a great fan of treating gum disease with the Albrite system. This is a simple syringe-like device that comes with a book. You mix up a solution of, say, salt water and dilute hydrogen peroxide, and you inject this right into your gum pockets.
I did this for awhile and it really helped.
Then I stopped.
I went to the dentist recently and he said my gums looked puffy. I just got out of the habit of doing my gum treatments.
The hygienist said they have a new gum therapy. It is non-surgical. They do one quarter of the mouth at a time, say the lower right. They do a very deep cleaning with ultrasound to blast away the films of bacteria that are causing infection. They do each quarter of the mouth at a time and use various guidelines to determine when enough is enough.
The result has been a dramatic increase in health for people who have gone through this.
Chronic heartburn has disappeared.
Skin problems that were bothering the patient went away.
All sorts of higher energy levels and better feeling of health.
I may go and get this done. Meanwhile I am doing the Albrite treatment again and will see if I can't get this infection under control.
Once you get rid of the infection, you can use a good quality colloidal silver solution to blast into your gums using Albrite. This is kinder to your gums than the hydrogen peroxide salt water. And it is very effective as silver is quite bacteriocidal.
Some people will need to use antibiotics with Albrite. He explains in the book how you can open a tetracycline capsule and dissolve it in water and use this. I have not done this as I do not have severe infections, just chronic low level infections.
I am hoping that my gum problems will respond to consistent treatment at home, and that my breathing progress will start to improve once again.
And that I no longer ever wake up with heartburn.
My name is Richard Geller and I have written a book on how to treat heartburn, IBS, GERD and allergies using simple exercises. If you want to learn more please read the articles at my blog on natural heartburn remedies. You can subscribe to my feed there, and join a mailing list to get a stream of helpful non-drug remedies for diseases that are connected by a common cause and treated much more easily than most doctors understand.
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2:42 AM
Dental Implants - What do They do?
By Patricia Woloch Platinum Quality Author
A dental implant is an artificial tooth root. It holds an artificial tooth, otherwise known as a crown. Before you recoil from false images of metal crowns, dental surgery and drills, consider these comforting facts.
Dentistry has come a long way since our grandparents plodded to the dentist for their root canals and extractions. It has certainly come a long way since medieval days when your local barber threw in a few extra services like applying leeches and pulling teeth.
Computers and lasers have changed dentistry out of sight. The pain and trauma is gone, replaced by comfort and beauty. A modern cosmetic dentist, in a friendly spa-like setting, can save your damaged teeth in many ways, using pearly-white porcelain that nobody but a dentist can distinguish from your real teeth. You can have all-porcelain crowns, veneers, inlays, and onlays – a mouthful of porcelain that looks, feels and functions like normal teeth.
Lost a tooth?
In the rare instance where a tooth cannot be saved, or in cases where a tooth is lost in an accident or trauma, not to worry – modern dentists can fill that gap and you’ll never have to wear a denture or put up with a bridge.
What if you don’t replace it?
They say Nature abhors a vacuum. In the dental world, teeth and bones abhor a gap. They will fill it somehow. A gap left by a lost tooth will invite neighboring teeth to move and fill it. A gap left by a lost tooth root will cause the jawbone to shrink inward and fill it.
Given a bit of time, you then have a dental nightmare scenario:
· Misaligned teeth
· A shrinking jawline, aging your facial shape
· Possibly a misaligned bite
A misaligned bite (malocclusion in dental language) can and usually does lead to a long list of painful symptoms known as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD, or TMJ). Only a qualified neuromuscular dentist can diagnose and treat it successfully. If you can avoid developing TMD, please do!
How does a dental implant work?
The implant is a small titanium cylinder set into the jawbone gap, where the tooth root used to be. Titanium works well because bone easily grows close in around it and incorporates it as part of the jaw. When that bone growth and healing is complete, a tiny extension (abutment) is attached to the top of the implant, and a porcelain crown is cemented to it. Now you have a new tooth and improved dental health.
You can feast on any foods, and the implant itself requires no care, as it’s submerged in the bone. The crown requires the same daily brushing and flossing that your natural teeth require, and if you also visit your dentist for regular check-ups and cleaning, you can expect to have this healthy new tooth for the rest of your life.
What if several teeth are missing?
One implant can hold two teeth, and you can have more than one implant. You could even attach an entire mouthful of new porcelain teeth to multiple implants. For that, you would need enough bone tissue, and your cosmetic dentist would be the one to decide how many implants would be possible or necessary. Read more details about dental implants.
The most important thing is not to delay your dental work. Whatever needs to be done can these days be done with minimal or no pain, far more quickly and pleasantly than in previous years. No good ever comes from dental delay, so make space in your busy schedule and contact your cosmetic dentist.
If you are considering dental implants or any other sort of cosmetic dentistry procedure, give Dr. Steven Baker a call to make your appointment today.
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2:41 AM
Home Tooth Whitener Kits
By Andrew Fullard Platinum Quality Author
If your teeth are starting to look a little yellow and unattractive, you may want to consider using a home tooth whitener kits. You may be wondering if home tooth whitener kits are safe. Here is a brief introduction to these products, including how they work and the type of results you can expect.
Home tooth whitening kits use a chemical that includes or generates peroxide to whiten your teeth. Common ingredients include hydrogen peroxide, urea peroxide, and carbamide peroxide. The more peroxide the kit contains, the more effectively it will whiten your teeth. Some products are stronger, and therefore are worn for around 30 minutes a couple of times a day, while others with weaker formulations are worn at night while you sleep. Some of these are strips you apply to your teeth, others are liquids that are painted onto your teeth, while others are placed into a tray that sits on your teeth.
Home tooth whitener kits evolved from the professional tooth whitening systems that dentists give to their patients. These professional whitening systems are very similar to those you can purchase at your local drug store. The main difference is that the professional tooth whitening kits have stronger chemicals because the dentist monitors their use. Both are highly effective, and the home kits are significantly cheaper than having the same procedure done by your dentist.
The whitening chemical affects the surface of your teeth and the layer below it. The peroxide does not reach the inner parts of the teeth. The results are not permanent, because these layers can be stained again after using the product, so most kits recommend repeating the usage every six months. Keep in mind that teeth whiteners will not work on any artificial teeth, caps, veneers, fillings, dentures, or crowns.
You might be wondering if home tooth whitener kits are dangerous to use. If you use the product as directed, you are safe. All of the studies that have been done on these products indicate that the chemicals do not harm the structure of the tooth or the strength of the tooth enamel.
If you use the product incorrectly, though, you could be exposing your body to too much of the chemical. Also you should know that some people experience tooth sensitivity after using these kits. This is usually temporary, but can be uncomfortable. If this happens to you, you can shorten the amount of time you use the tooth whitener. If this does not help, you might want to talk to your dentist. However, side effects from these products are quite rare, and most consumers can use them without any problems, provided they follow the package directions.
The author suggests the following if you want to find out more about tooth whitening product or if your in the UK then this is teeth whitening uk kit. Please keep the links working when publishing this article.
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2:39 AM
Tips For Finding Affordable Dentures In Your Area Right Away
By Joe Stewart Platinum Quality Author
If you are in need of affordable dentures and don't already have a good dental insurance policy, then your next best option is to join what is called a discount dental plan. These discount plans are a great insurance alternative and actually will save you a lot more money than if you went and bought insurance right now. The reason for this is because insurance of any kind, including dental, does not pay for anything that was already there when you bought it.
This is no different to having wind damage to the roof of your house and then buying homeowner's insurance after the fact and expecting them to pay for it. It's just not realistic because the cost of repairs would exceed what you would be paying for the policy. Dental insurance works exactly the same way. You can't expect to walk into the local insurance agent with a mouth full of cavities and expect to buy dental insurance that will instantly pay for getting your teeth pulled and new dentures too. That is just not realistic.
Discount dental plans are a great deal because you can save between ten and sixty percent off on new dentures, teeth cleaning, braces, x-rays and much more. You can get much more affordable dentures by being a member of a discount plan. Unlike dental insurance, discount plans don't have co-pays, deductibles, claim forms or any restrictions. The key to saving money is to pay your discounted fee in full at the time of your appointment. So if you're in need of affordable dentures, take a long look at discount dental plans before you waste your money paying full price.
Learn How You Can Save An Addditional 10% Off On A Discount Dental Plan Right Now By Visiting or by clicking on Affordable Dentures . Joe Stewart is a former Life And Health Insurance Agent that now works for himself by providing solid, expert information to consumers.
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2:38 AM
Low Cost Dental Plans
By Steve Phipps
When Did Going To The Dentist Become Optional?
Do you remember when we were kids and you used to go to the dentist for your regular exams and teeth cleaning? I sure used to hate those visits but it had to be done to keep our teeth healthy or at least that is what mom told us anyway.
I think I know when we started viewing going to the dentist as optional. It was right about the point that the big insurance companies started creating group dental plans. You know those "bargain" plans with a low monthly premium?
The same plans that only cover enough to get you to the point where you have to start paying out of pocket when the bills start getting big. The same plans that look at some major oral procedures as "optional"
The New Low Cost Dental Plans
Well the insurance companies now have a new competitor to deal with and it is not other insurance companies. It is low cost dental plans and they having dentists signing on by the thousands. What makes these discount dental plans so attractive to dentists and consumers alike? The first thing is they are not insurance companies and that means no paperwork, no pre-existing conditions, no pre-approval for treatment, no referral for specialist and more coverage of more procedures.
How Cheap Are These New Cheap Dental Plans?
Well some of these new low cost dental plans are not just for dental care. One of the leaders in the new discount dental plans, Ameriplan, offers a program that covers dental, vision, prescription and chiropractic care on a discount basis to it's members for less than $20 a month for complete family coverage.
These new plans are allowing families who do not have coverage or could not afford their current coverage options the ability to go to the dentist and enjoy discounts from 25%-80%.
You might be surprised be surprised to know that 30,000 dentists, 12,000 vision care centers and over 50,000 pharmacy locations nationwide have signed on to the Ameriplan program alone. 1.4 million American residents have signed on to this program and the company boasts a total membership savings on care of over 1 billion dollars.
How Do They Work?
The new discount dental plan member uses either a website or toll free number to find the provider they wish to visit, make an appointment, get their care and present their member card to receive the discount. These programs have a schedule of fees similar to the insurance company so you know exactly what your costs are going to be as well as what the normal cost would be and your percentage of discount for the procedure.
There are no age limitations or pre-existing condition restrictions with most of these plans so you can go get that root canal done without some company saying you are not covered because you had the problem before you had the coverage.
Going to the dentist should not be optional and there is no reason it has to be anymore.
Steve Phipps is a work at home professional that was forced to turn to a new alternative dental plan when his traditional insurance coverage became unaffordable and to restrictive. His provider of choice is Ameriplan
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2:36 AM